
Maybe you’ve tried procedures and drugs that didn’t work. Maybe your doctor told you there’s nothing more they can do. You aren't sure what to do next but you know you aren't giving up.

No matter where you are on your path to motherhood, natural medicine offers an exciting new way forward. I’ve invested 20 years into crafting a proven system that integrates nutrition, mindfulness, herbs and vitamins to optimize your fertility and improve your chances of getting pregnant.

I’ll help you understand your body, identify your hormonal obstacles and create a tailored program that puts you in control of your fertility.


“Unexplained infertility” is a label all too often given to women when no other diagnosis is clear. But in my experience, explanations can almost always be found when you know where to look—and simple changes to your daily routine may prove to be your most powerful tools in addressing elusive issues. Through my one-on-one coaching, courses or memberships, you’ll get insights on nutritional and natural medicine approaches (e.g. acupuncture) that can help cleanse your body, reduce oxidative stress and restore optimal function to your reproductive organs.

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When your hormones are working in a harmonious state of balance, you feel and look your best. You’re also at your most fertile. However, certain aspects of your lifestyle, diet or environment can knock them out of equilibrium, leading to issues with ovulation, egg quality and implantation. Hormonal imbalance can set off a ripple effect that leads to a complex web of chaos. One hormone gone awry can knock another askew and fuel disorders that hinder your natural fertility—such as insulin resistance, progesterone deficiency and thyroid irregularities. Learn how to restore balance to these basic yet vital bodily functions through simple lifestyle tweaks and the occasional boost from natural medicine.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the hormonal culprit behind nearly 70% of all female infertility issues—including some of my own. It’s a complex metabolic condition that doctors hesitate to diagnose because its symptoms vary so widely. Given that PCOS is closely tied to insulin excess and insulin resistance, the most effective ways to tame it are diet and lifestyle factors. Over the years, I’ve mastered ways to adapt my lifestyle to force the PCOS into submission. Discover simple, effective natural principles to reverse your symptoms and embrace your fertility potential.


Endometriosis is a sly and vicious autoimmune disorder that produces excess, abnormal tissue growth in and around your uterus and ovaries. The inflammation that is a byproduct of the disorder can damage the cellular makeup of your delicate eggs, right down to the DNA! Many women with endometriosis have trouble achieving implantation due to scarring or inflammation. Excess tissue can block up your fallopian tubes and prevent fertilization, or predispose you to an ectopic pregnancy because the embryo didn't have a clear path into the uterus.

Triggered by autoimmune issues, toxin exposure and estrogens, endometriosis is heavily influenced by lifestyle factors like diet and stress. Through nutrition, relaxation techniques and other holistic approaches to calm inflammation, you’ll access the ability to ease your pain and enhance your fertility.


If you’ve been told you have “egg quality” issues, you likely feel somewhat panic-stricken. Much like “unexplained infertility,” it’s a bewildering diagnosis with no obvious culprit—and no clear treatment path. But you have set out to get the answers you need to make this happen and determination goes a long way in making a baby. With holistic treatment approaches, you can take steps to improve the health of your eggs and your odds of conception, whether naturally or through treatments such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Egg quality issues often arise in conjunction with other, subtler problems—such as chronic stress, toxin exposure and inflammation. We often see improvement by targeting these systemic factors, in addition to using supplements tailored specifically for your eggs.

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Approximately 10% of women are affected by Premature Ovarian Aging (POA), a condition in which your ovaries age faster than the rest of you. In my own patients, I've noticed many women with low ovarian reserve have an excess buildup of toxins in their bodies, high stress levels or immune-related disorders. Through my system, you’ll learn about herbal tonics, supplements, detox protocols, stress management and other powerful tools to address POA.


FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is the hormone that tickles your ovaries to produce an egg. An elevated FSH level is the bane of many women trying to conceive, causing issues with egg quality and even your ability to produce eggs at all. High FSH levels happen when your ovaries stop responding to normal levels, which triggers your body to produce more FSH.

Don’t fret, however! FSH levels can, in many cases, be reset. Eastern medicine is a champion in this area, as are lifestyle changes involving mindfulness, detox and lifestyle adjustments. We’ll explore all your options for lowering your FSH naturally.


You’re as young as you feel, right? That’s why a diagnosis or label of “advanced maternal age” can feel like a slap in the face. The biological truth, however, is that after 35, fertility naturally decreases. My goal is to help you understand how diet, lifestyle and complementary methods like acupuncture can reverse the oxidative stress and cellular changes that occur naturally with aging. These methods can, in many cases, help improve egg quality and enhance your ability to conceive with your own, healthy eggs.


Since 2005, I’ve seen thousands of women through their infertility treatments, including IUI and IVF. These experiences have given me an in-depth understanding of how to optimize the outcomes of conventional treatments using natural methods. Through my comprehensive, integrative approach, you’ll discover nutrition and other complementary techniques to boost your reproductive health and enhance the effectiveness of your IUI or IVF protocol.

Sometimes it takes a village to make a baby! As such, part of my approach involves working alongside your reproductive endocrinologist to improve your odds of success.

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This is an area where alternative medicine shines. It’s often the curious, unexplained issues that are most easily remedied by natural methods. Most of the time, outcomes are affected by a combination of subtle imbalances. If you've had repeated IUI or IVF failures due to suspected implantation problems, my approach can help you identify and address hormonal, immune and other physiological issues standing in your way of conceiving. You’ll also find out how foods, herbs and lifestyle changes can help enhance your uterine lining and create a nourishing place for your pregnancy to thrive.


After dealing with painful injections, blood draws and agonizing waits, having your IVF cycle cancelled due to insufficient egg growth is devastating. Lack of ovarian response to follicle-stimulating medications can point to high FSH levels, Premature Ovarian Failure, thyroiditis and other hormonal conditions. If you’ve experienced a poor response to IVF meds, you’ll be given the tools and information to support your natural egg production through lifestyle changes, supplements and nutritional strategies.


If you’ve suffered one or more miscarriages, know that you are not alone. I understand your pain, because I’ve felt it personally. It’s a deeply traumatic experience that has created a sisterhood of shared grief and healing all over the world. While over half of all miscarriages are caused by a chromosomal abnormality, the rest can usually be linked to issues such as hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, thyroid irregularities and autoimmune conditions. My goal is to help you understand some of the common causes of miscarriage and how you can address them to avoid further pain and waiting.

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Blood clotting due to thrombophilias is recognized by a growing number of practitioners as a key cause of miscarriage. With my resources and guidance, you’ll learn to identify subtle symptoms that can make diagnosis clearer. Find out how to get tested for this condition and explore treatment options that can support healthy circulation and a successful pregnancy.

You’ll also get insight into other "unseen" factors behind recurrent miscarriage. These include immunological conditions, hormonal imbalances, inflammation and free radical damage that interferes with egg development or implantation. Immunological problems can often be successfully treated with low-allergen, low-inflammation diets, supplements, herbs and other natural methods.


MTHFR is a typically inherited gene mutation that makes it difficult for your body to covert synthetic folic acid into its natural form (folate). Women with a positive MTHFR gene mutation may have an increased risk of complications like miscarriages, pre-eclampsia and difficulties getting pregnant. I have two copies of MTHFR and have learned how to manage it with diet and lifestyle. Although there's no cure, you’ll discover how dietary changes and supplements can help you reduce your symptoms and improve your odds of conception and a healthy pregnancy.